Ill be probably (85%) in brno during that time, so dont worry .) I can show you around (brno and base)

On 16 September 2012 21:16, Jakub Vo <> wrote:
Hi misnyo!

Base48 is greeting our friends in Hungary! Please forward our
greetings and words of invitation!

We are open to visitors (preferably those of akin minds) almost every
working day. Unfortunately, the days you planned your visit on are
including a holiday. So there is high probability of our ppl fleeing
the city :)

Please remind yourselves shortly before your visit to Brno here or on
our IRC channel.

Thanks, happy hkincnag!


2012/9/14 THEmisnyo <>:
> Hi there,
> let me introduce myself, I am a member of the hackerspace budapest
> (, and some other members and me are visiting Brno at 28-30
> september, so it came out that we want to visit your place. Is it possible
> for some of you to be there at that time, so we can have a talk, look around
> your place, and maybe have some beers also? We are very curious about your
> base, seen some interesting projects on your website.
> Thx, greetings from budapest
> misnyo
> --
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