Dearest ones, I'd like to remind you that the workshop takes place this Wednesday. The idea of the workshop is to get familiar with the ways kernel-mode can break and what can be done to find out what broke. As it's a workshop everyone is welcome to share his experience. If you intend to attend, please skim through the lab setup instructions in the wiki [1]. [1] http://wiki.base48.cz/Kernel_debugging_essentials_workshop You're actually not required to follow the setup recommendation, but it still might be a good idea bring your laptop and prepare the tools (install required packages, clone git trees), so that you would be able to readily try anything you find interesting. It's a good idea to use a bare metal machine (as opposed to a vm) that you can restart abruptly (should be safe with modern filesystem, but anyway...). I'll bring some pre-setup laptops if that's a problem for anyone. ♥, Lubo