Fwd: Aaron Swartz Memorial Hackathons, Nov 8-10: call for participation

----- Forwarded Message ----- Hi all! In January of this year, a couple of us organized the first Worldwide Aaron Swartz Memorial Hackathons in memory of activist and hacker Aaron Swartz (https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Worldwide_Aaron_Swartz_Memorial_Hackathons). We ended up having ~20 hackathons around the world, including at severalhackerspaces.org http://hackerspaces.org hackerspaces. However, given that there's plenty more to be done in the spirit of Aaron's work, we would like to make these hackathons a recurring event. The next hackathon series is scheduled for Nov. 8-10 (Aaron's birthday). There's events scheduled in San Francisco, Boston, Berlin, and Chicago so far, but we'd love for more hackerspaces to participate! You can read more about the motivation and suggested guidelines for these hackathons at our website, http://aaronswartzhackathon.org/. Please email the coordinators ataaronswhack@numm.org mailto:aaronswhack@numm.org ASAP if you're interested in any of the following: * Hosting a hackathon * Presenting at a hackathon somewhere * Leading a project for people to work on Let's make this work! -Yan
participants (1)