Dear Base 48, I am writing to you on behalf of Paralelni Polis, a bitcoin only non-profit community based in Prague Czech Republic. We are organizing our 3rd annual Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis http://hcpp.cz/ 30/9-2/10/2016 and we would love to invite you and your community to come and meet your fellow hackers and freedom minded people from all around the world. Please consider your participation as regular attendee (tickets are available via bitcoin or PayPal here https://tickets.paralelnipolis.cz/) or as a program partner. If you have an idea about a talk or a cool programme for HCPP16, don't hesitate to contact us. There are free slots available! You can also support the event by spreading the word about HCPP16 in your community. What might be mostl interesting for your community is that our partner Ultrahack https://ultrahack.org/, the organizer of the biggest hackton in Europe, will do a talent screening at HCPP16. Selected hackers will get a free travel and access to final hackathon tournament in Helsinki https://ultrahack.org/, #HCPP16 — Meet the leading personas in the field of technology, decentralized economy, political art, and activism at one place. World’s high profile names such as the Bitcoin evangelist Andreas Antonopoulos, author of OpenBazaar Sam Peterson, writers Jamie Bartlett and Paul Rosenberg, author of first decentralized cryptocurrency exchange Manfred Karrer and many others will gather in Prague to celebrate the new era of digital freedom. Moreover, prior the congress there will be a two-day long warm-up event, TREZOR Hackathon organized by SatoshiLabs, where dozens of hackers will be mentored by Bitcoin guru Andreas Antonopoulos. Looking forward to hear from You, *Erika Jirmaskova* Intern Institute of Cryptoanarchy *Come to* *#HCPP16 !*30/9-2/10/2016 at Paralelni Polis Website http://hcpp.cz/#about-hcpp16 I Tickets and Merchandise https://tickets.paralelnipolis.cz/ I Event https://www.facebook.com/events/281333908893056 [image: email] http://hcpp.cz/#about-hcpp16 Cryptoanarchy | Decentralized Economy | Hacking | Political Art Panels | Workshops | Virtual Reality | 3D printed fashion show Drone racing and presentations | Ultrahack talent competition
participants (1)
Erika Jirmásková