-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Invitation to IPSC 2012 Date: Sat, 19 May 2012 15:20:49 +0200 (CEST) From: ipscreg@ksp.sk (IPSC Registration) To: hacxman@gmail.com We have the pleasure to invite you to take part in the 14th annual Internet Problem Solving Contest (IPSC). ================================================================================ Some interesting facts about IPSC: - Most (but not all) of the tasks require you to write a computer program. - IPSC is known for making popular the open data contest format (now also adopted by Google CodeJam) -- you may use any programming language. - The contest is for teams of up to 3 people. We have a separate ranklist for people who solve alone. - The contest is open for everybody. Still, we have a separate ranklist for secondary school students. - Consistently, we aim to have a problem set that is fun to solve, easy at the beginning, and very challenging at the end. We try to push the boundaries of traditional programming contests. - We have very high quality standards. We always do our best to make the problems clear and the test data correct. In recent years the number of clarifications and other issues has always been very low. ================================================================================ - Date of the contest: Saturday June 2, 2012 - Duration: 5 hours - Start: 10:00am (UTC) http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=6&day=2&year=2012&hour=10&min=0&sec=0 - Web page: http://ipsc.ksp.sk/ - Archive of previous years: http://ipsc.ksp.sk/archive ================================================================================ Please distribute this message to anyone who might be interested. If you want to stop receiving notifications about IPSC, please send an e-mail with the subject UNSUBSCRIBE to ipscreg [at] ksp.sk. Good luck in the contest, and have fun! -- Your friendly IPSC Organizing Team