Hi! I did a bit of research about our internet connection possibilities: - UPC is available in our location and they offer contracts for indefinite periods - service termination is possible with 1 month period of notice - Installation fee is 100CZK Packages they offer (modem rental prize included) : - UPC Fiber Power 30/1 (550CZK per month) - UPC Fiber Power 60/6 (650CZK per month) - UPC Fiber Power 120/10 (850CZK per month) - "KOMBI KOMFORT+" package (Fiber Power 120/10 + 80 TV channels) (950CZK per month) Also UPC has a special offer till 16.5.2012 - reduced prizes for Fiber Power services for 4 months (300/600/700CZK per month). Comments welcome - please write which offer you prefer so we can make a decision in finite time. More information: http://upc.cz Terms of service (CZ): http://www.upc.cz/pdf/VOP_UPC.pdf Terms of service (EN): http://www.upc.cz/pdf/VOP_UPC_en.pdf Happy hacking! -- Richard Marko